Katharo Youth Jiu Jitsu Program

Our youth program is centered around Gracie Self-Defense and the fundamentals of Jiu Jitsu. Our coaches and professors are here to develop the youth into disciplined and confident leaders in order for them to make a dynamic transition into competition and/or the adult program. Our Youth Programs are broken into two groups: Little Griffins for 4-6 years and Youth for 6-12 years.

What Can You Expect?

Youth Jiu Jitsu for Self-Defense
Structured Self-Defense Training

Katharo students participate in a step-by-step program that teaches the fundamentals of Gracie Jiu Jitsu self-defense. Through a combination of one-on-one instruction, group instruction, and supervised peer sparring, students learn how to take take opponents to the ground where an attack can be controlled without causing damage.

Youth Jiu Jitsu for Weight Loss
Physical Conditioning

Jiu Jitsu takes work! Between warm ups, training, and sparring, all Katharo students are guaranteed to get a full body workout! A healthy body is a productive body and our students learn to love the wide-range of benefits from regular exercise.

Self-Discipline & Accountability

The benefits of Jiu Jitsu instruction include more than just self-defense and physical fitness. Katharo Youth Programs include time dedicated to goal-setting and journaling, teaching kids the importance and reward of self-discipline and accountability, impacting their everyday lives.

Youth Jiu Jitsu for Fun
Community and Fun

We’ve worked hard to create a fun, family-friendly environment for all ages. At Katharo, students and parents alike can expect a warm welcome into our active community of Jiu Jitsu enthusiasts.

Claim Your Free 7 Day Trial!

Katharo Youth Jiu Jitsu Competition Training

Just as the adults have a want to compete, many of our youth do as well.  Here, we provide a safe structure for them to grow and become confident in a fast paced environment.  We offer a fast paced class that is geared towards supporting our youth in sparring and competition-like situations.

Denver Jiu Jitsu Youth Training

One cannot underestimate the value of beginning martial arts training at a young age. Like any complex skill, jiu jitsu takes a good deal of patience as its students must be steadfast in its learning. Regardless of one’s innate ability, even if one has previous martial arts experience, truly learning jiu jitsu simply takes time. What a difference learning Denver jiu jitsu while young can make! Not only does one have so much more time to incorporate the necessary skills and knowledge, but when one is young it is usually so much easier to learn something new, and for most, something so pleasantly challenging. Don’t let time slip away.