If you aspire to practice mixed martial arts, or already do and are looking to expand or hone your acquired skills, then look no further for Littleton MMA. The Relson Gracie Academy has, at once, students and instructors that have successfully trained and competed in MMA. And though BJJ in Denver is deservedly renowned for its stellar ground fighting, the Relson Gracie Academy also highlights important stand-up skills for all our students. (After all, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu comes directly from Judo, and few argue with the foot work of this venerable martial art.) So come learn world class upright defense and offensive take downs from the experts. Your MMA game will thank you.
Mix Martial Arts Training for Ground Fighting Skills
As so effectively and efficiently demonstrated, again and again, in the ring or cage, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in Denver is THE martial art for ground fighting skills. Repeatedly shown to trump other forms of ground fighting, though highly respectable in their own rights, BJJ overcomes its martial arts peers, and may at times incorporate their most effective techniques into its arsenal. This melding of efficacious techniques into modern day, cutting edge martial arts practice makes for mixed martial arts fighters that are a force to be reckoned with. Come learn from some of the best.