In the early 20th Century, Helio and Carlos Gracie, who would become the founders and early developers of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, learned Judo from a leading Judo proponent and disciple by the name of Mitsuyo Maeda. Known (incorrectly) as jujitsu in Brazil, Judo was a new martial art at the time developed in Japan by Jigoro Kano. This discipline was a close descendent from the ancient samurai martial art known as jujitsu (now, Japanese Jujitsu). This legacy, from ancient samurai warriors, to “restoration Japan,” to the mean streets of Brazil, carried with it the use of the Kimono, known as a Gi in Brazil. The tradition continues with most Gracie training, particularly classical Gracie schools, using the gi in every class. For this reason, jiu jitsu gi training is often synonymous with Gracie oriented schools, or at least classical Brazilian jiu jitsu.

Colorado Jiu Jitsu Gi Training at the Relson Gracie Academy

With a martial arts lineage so close and direct to the original Gracie brothers, Relson Gracie Academy excels in jiu jitsu gi training in Colorado. And though our instructors are immersed in the classical styles which incorporate the gi, at times we also practice no-gi to expand our skills and proficiencies for no-gi competition or MMA

A Wide Range of Options: Denver Martial Arts

Your choices for martial arts can be intimidating: there are so many schools to choose from, not to mention so many different forms and styles. It can be quite intimidating to know where to begin, and what to look for and ask. We suggest that you first decide what your goals are. Why you are taking the temporal and financial resources to learn a martial art? Be honest. This will largely become your motivation. Are you looking for self defense classes or do you want to compete? Do you like the idea of using (and taking) kicks and punches, or do you prefer a “gentler” style of open hands and grappling? Looking for something new and cutting-edge or something seeped in tradition and history? Decide your end goals, then find the school and instructor to take you there.