Serving the south suburban community of Denver, the Relson Gracie Academy in Littleton, Colorado is conveniently located approximately one mile from C-470. Located on the corner of W. Ken Caryl Ave. and S. Pierce St., our easy to access location can have you from home or work to the mats in no time. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in Littleton means less time on the road and in the frustrating Denver area traffic, and more time for training and learning the invaluable art of the Gracie family’s Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

The Comfort of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in Littleton

Not only does taking advantage of Jiu Jitsu equal quick and easy access and convenience for the weary Littleton area driver, but our facility provides comfort. We provide children and parents a play/TV room that is regularly used by spouses and children while you train hard on the mats. This proves a great source of comfort for those with somewhat older children as they do not have to worry about child care dileMMAs. Your child can also watch you train from behind glass windows, hopefully becoming inspired to start our wonderful kids’ classes. And if you need to show up early due to your schedule, simply have a seat on a comfortable couch. As friendly as people are here, you will be having a conversation in no time- or finally getting that reading done that you have been putting off.

Where to Go For Jiu Jitsu in Colorado?

The jiu jitsu Denver offers comes in an assortment of styles, focuses and ability levels. Some schools focus on sports jiu jitsu, with emphasis on training for the rules of engagement outlined by a point and timing system. Others hone in on self defense knowledge and abilities, with practicality in a “street” setting being much more important. Other factors such as Colorado jiu jitsu gi training versus no-gi training, hybrid styles concerned with MMA versus a more purist approach, an emphasis on adult classes or kids martial arts classes- the many choices provide both freedom and a responsibility in choice. We invite you to come and try a class for yourself to find if we are the right fit for you or your loved ones.